
Show results for filter: “Social media

News & Events

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA - Special Issue on Social Media as Sensors
Social media
Search Computing and Social Media
Social media
News from PETAMEDIA summer school
Social media
Search engine
Some interesting Summer schools 2011
Social media
Computer vision
Machine learning
Pharos Social Media Results
Social media
WeKnowIt February 2011 newsletter
Social media
User-generated content
Collective intelligence
WeKnowIt 2nd newsletter
Social media
User-generated content
Collective intelligence
The Impact of Social Computing on the EU Information Society and Economy
Social media
Social networks
MIR 2010 - Pannel session
Social media
PetaMedia Spring School
Social media

CHORUS+ Activities

Media Search cluster meeting dedicated to Social Media Search
Social media
"THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL SEARCH" - An expert Think-Tank
Social media
Social networks
The Future of Social Research
Social media
Think Tank on the Future of Social Search
Social media